
The django-keygen package provides an easy and convenient way to generate secure secret keys for use with django driven web applications.

The SECRET_KEY setting in Django is used to provide cryptographic signing and is an important part of building secure Django applications. While it is mostly used to sign session cookies, other common uses include generating secure URL’s, protecting form content in hidden fields, and restricting access to private resources.


The django-keygen package is pip installable:

$ pip install django-keygen

To integrate the package with an existing django application, add it to the installed_apps list in the application settings:

...    'django-keygen',
...    ...
... ]

Python Usage

Key generation is available using the KeyGen class:

>>> from django_keygen import KeyGen
>>> key_generator = KeyGen()
>>> secret_key = key_generator.gen_secret_key()

By default, keys are generated using the full range of ascii charaters and are 50 characters long. This can be overwritted using key word arguments:

>>> from string import ascii_lowercase
>>> key_generator = KeyGen(length=55, chars=ascii_lowercase)
>>> secret_key = key_generator.gen_secret_key()

To use the package in your django application, you will want to persist your secret key to disk. In your file, add the code snippet below. The secret_key.txt file wil be created automatically if it does not already exist.

>>> from django_keygen import KeyGen
>>> key_generator = KeyGen()
>>> SECRET_KEY = key_generator.from_plaintext('secret_key.txt', create_if_not_exist=True)

Command Line Usage

The command line interface is accessible via the django management tool:

$ python keygen

Just like the Python interface, you can specify the key length and charecter set used to generate the key:

$ python keygen 50 some_character_set

You can also write a new secret key to disk.


The following command will overwrite an existing key file

$ python keygen >> secret_key.txt

Security Notices

It is considered bad security practice to use short security keys generating using few unique characters. To safeguard against this, a SecurityError is raised when django-keygen is asked to generate an insecure key.

>>> key_generator = KeyGen(length=5, chars='abc')
Traceback (most recent call last):
django_keygen.exceptions.SecurityException: Secret key length is short. Consider increasing the key length.

The error can be ignored by specifying force=True, in which case a warning is issued instead:

>>> key_generator = KeyGen(length=5, chars='abc', force=True)